Watch: A Horse (Almost) Walks Into Taj Mahal

Published Apr 28,2024 08:01 | style | system

A horse galloped straight into the Taj Mahal premises today - one would think to see one of the wonders of the world or perhaps to get a book written on its feat akin to the famous 'A Horse Walks into a Bar' (a novel by Israeli author David Grossman). While the motive behind its action is a mystery and would remain so, tourists were certainly taken aback by the unusual security breach.

The adorned horse first tried to leap over the barricades but failing that, it broke through them. "No one is hurt as there were not many tourists at that time," said a witness. The commotion unfolded near the western gate of the monument. After significant efforts, the horse was eventually brought under control.

Confused and frightened, tourists were seen clearing the way when they noticed the animal without its stableman. It belongs to Rajesh Kumar, who walked away with his horse when asked to comment on the incident.
